
Rev. 0.00
ESC GS y D 2 a m1 n1L n1H d11 d12 … d1k m2 n2L n2H d21 d22 … d2k ml … dlk
[Name] QR code data setting (manual setting)
[Code] ASCII ESC GS y D 2 a m1 n1L n1H d11 d12 d1k
Hexadecimal 1B 1D 79 44 32 a m1 n1L n1H d11 d12 d1k
Decimal 27 29 121 68 50 a m1 n1L n1H d11 d12 d1k
ASCII m2 n2L n2H D21 d22 d2k ml dlk
Hexadecimal m2 n2L n2H D21 d22 d2k ml dlk
Decimal m2 n2L n2H D21 d22 d2k ml dlk
[DenedArea] Thermal : 1 a 255
1 m 4
0 nL 255, 0 nH
255 1 nL + nH × 256 7089 (k = nL + nH × 256)
0 d 255
1 l 255
Slip : -
Validation : -
[Initial Value] Thermal : -
Slip : -
Validation : -
Specifies the bar code data type and sets the data.
Parameter details
a : Block count
m : Input data type
nL + nH x 256 : Bar code data byte count
dk : Bar code data (max. 7089 bytes)
m Data Type DataDenedArea(d)
1 Numbers “0” to “9”
2 English Language
“ ”, “$”, “%”, “*”, “+”, “-”, “.”, “/”, “:”,
“0” to “9”, “A” to “Z”
3 Binary 0x00 to 0xFF
4 Kanji characters
(Shift JIS)
0x8140 to 0x9FFC, 0xE040 to 0xEBBF
However, the lower 8 bits are 0x40 to 0x7E, 0x80 to 0xFC.
The printer receives the data type specified by m, based on the block count specified by a, and
the data of the number of bytes (k) specified by nL and nH, and sets that as the bar code data.
One block specified by a specifies m1 n1L n1H d11•••d1k (data type + data count + bar code
data), and by sending a multiple of these continuously, data types can be included in one bar
It is possible to set a maximum of 255 blocks with one command transmission.
nL and nH specify the number of data bytes, so for Kanji characters, calculation is done using 1
character for two bytes.
If the parameter is outside of the defined area, the data for the amount of the counter is received
and discarded.
At that time, the bar code data is cleared.
The command data storage region is shared with the automatic setting command, so data is
updated each time either command is executed.
Only setting is valid
Setting is valid after switching to thermal.