
Rev. 0.00
ESC RS r n
[Name] Set printing speed
[Code] ASCII ESC RS r n
Hexadecimal 1B 1E 72 n
Decimal 27 30 114 n
[DenedArea] Thermal : 0 n 2, 48 n 50, (“0” n “2”)
Slip : -
Validation : -
[Initial Value] Thermal : Memory switch setting
Slip : -
Validation : -
Sets print speed.
This command stops printing to be executed.
Because 2-color print mode prints in one speed, the speed settings with this command are invalid.
This command setting becomes valid when returned from the two-color print mode to the single color
print mode.
n Print Speed
Single Color Printing Mode 2-color Printing Mode
0, 48 High speed 2-color Printing Mode Speed
1, 49 Mid-speed 2-color Printing Mode Speed
2, 50 Slow speed 2-color Printing Mode Speed
Only setting is valid
Setting is valid after switching to thermal.