
E r r c
ER d,r,d} [;]
This command is similarto the EA command, except that the coordinates of
the opposile corner relative to current cursor position are specified.
E w c
radius, sturt an,q[e,sweep angle 1,chord angle ;J
This command draws the edge of a wedge of a circle with itscenter at current
cursor position.A positive(negative)radius causesthepositive (negative)x-
axis to be the reference for the sweep angle.
Positive start and sweep angles are measured counterclockwise from the
reference axis.
A wedge whose sweep angle is 360 degrees or greater is drawn as a circle
with no line connected to the center. If the sweep angle is zero, it isa single
straight line from the center to the starting point.
This command clears then draws to the polygon buffer.
F p c
FP [;]
This command uses the even-odd rule to fill the polygon currently in the
polygonbuffer.The filltypeistheone currently selected. All pointsare used,
whether stored with the pen up or down. The contents of the buffer are used
btit not changed or deleted.
This command isignored ifapreviousPM,RA, RR. orWG command caused
the polygon buffer to overflow and no other command cleared it.