
5–101Bar Codes
POSTNET Command Format
[(D)data field(D)]
BARCODE The Bar Code command; enter BARCODE.
POSTNET Designates bar code type POSTNET; enter POSTNET.
VSCAN Optional parameter to orient the bar code structure
vertically. To select a vertical bar code, enter VSCAN.
If VSCAN is not entered, the bar code is oriented
BFn;L Optional parameters for assigning a dynamic bar code
data field location on a form and for designating the
length of the data field. With these parameters, the
actual data for the bar code data field is dynamically
provided during the Execute Form Mode; the data is
not specified during the Create Form Mode. To use this
field, perform the following steps:
a. Enter BF.
b. Replace n with a number ranging from 1 to 255
to identify the bar code field. The SR and SC
parameters specify the exact location of the bar
code field identified by n.
c. Replace L with a number equaling the total
number of characters in the field. The data field
must be numeric and contain exactly 5, 9 or 11
d. The information for the data field is entered
dynamically during the Execute Form Mode.
(Refer to “Execute Form: Dynamic Bar Code
Data” on page 4–55 in the “Commands”
chapter.) Do not use the data field parameter to
enter data when the BFn parameters are used.
However, refer to the data field description for
available characters.