
10-17Multinational Character Sets
01D5 0469 Lowercase OE Ligature
01D6 0470
Asterisk with Overline
01D7 0471 Black Out Box
01D8 0472
Uppercase Y with Umlaut
01D9 0473 L
owercase E with T
01DA 0474 L
owercase I with T
01DB 0475 L
owercase U with T
01DC 0476 F
raction one Eighth
01DD 0477 F
raction Three Eighths
01DE 0478 F
raction Five Eighths
01DF 0479 F
raction Seven Eighths
01E0 0480
(used in other Printronix printer models)
01E1 0481 Double Over Line
01E2 0482 R
ough A
ccent Mark (Greek)
01E3 0483 Fork
01E4 0484 Chair
01E5 0485 Hook
01E6 0486
Uppercase Underline
01E7 0487
Uppercase I Centered
01E8 0488
Uppercase I Right
01E9 0489
Uppercase I Right Underlined
01EA 0490 L
owercase O with Dot
01EB 0491
Up Arrow
01EC 0492
Down Arrow
01ED 0493
Right Arrow
Hex Value Symbol NameDecimal Value