
| Parallel Attachment
| The 4232 supports the IBM Parallel Printer Interface. A single 36-pin
| connector is mounted on the adapter card.
| The PC-parallel interface attaches to the host with a standard PC
| Parallel Printer cable (IBM part 1525612) up to 1.8 m (6 ft) in length.
IBM Parallel Connector Pin Assignments
| Pin
| Number
| Signal Name| Description
| 1| -STROBE| Strobe
| 2 - 9| DATA| Eight Data Lines
| 10| -ACKNLG| Acknowledge
| 11| BUSY| Busy
| 12| PE| Out of Paper
| 13| SLCT| Printer Selected
| 14| Unused|
| 15| Unused|
| 16| LOGIC GND| Logic Ground
| 17| CHASSIS GROUND| Chassis Ground
| 18| Unused|
| 19 - 30| GROUND| Ground
| 31| -INIT| Initialize Printer
| 32| -ERROR| Printer Error
| 33| GROUND| Ground
| 34, 35| Unused|
| 36| Unused|
E-6 User’s Guide Model 302