
Using Epson emulation mode
If the printer is using Epson mode, select a printer from your application in the following preferred order.
Note: The printer driver you select in your application must match the emulation mode you select for your printer.
Printer drivers other than the 2500 series support most, but not all, of the printer capabilities.
For Forms Printer 2580/2581 users:
1 Epson FX850
2 Epson FX 1050
For Forms Printer 2590/2591 users:
1 Epson LQ850
2 LQ 1050
Using Okidata MICROLINE emulation mode
If the printer has the Okidata MICROLINE emulation option installed, select a printer from your application in the
following preferred order.
1 Oki 320/321 Turbo
2 Oki 320/321
Learning about the printer