
Operator’s Guide
Configuration Types in the Order Configuration List
The configuration types are identified in the list by letters:
S Single
P Package
C Combiprint
R Reproduction
The standard configuration is always shown in the first line in all configuration lists.
Black-and-White Prints
When Scanning Color Negative Film
Use the B/W button in the order configuration to eliminate colors by calculation when
frames are digitized. The prints are then B/W.
When Scanning Black-and-White Film
The system can only process B/W films in the Autoprint and Manual positioning
print modes.
Before inserting the B/W film, select an order configuration in which the film type is
set to B/W.
If you select an order configuration with the film type Color negative, the prescanner
expects color negative film. The system stops the processing with an error message
and ejects the B/W film.
To produce prints with a color cast, create and use a correction with saturation and
color up to +9. You can also accomplish this with Modify configuration.
4-78 KODAK PROFESSIONAL SRP 30 Laser Printer