
Broadband Type: Cable Modem
Select if your ISP will automatically give you an IP address. Some ISPs
require that you provide additional information, such as host name and
MAC address (as shown below).
Host Name — If your ISP requires a host name, enter the host name it
provides; otherwise, leave it blank
MAC Address — Enter the PC’s MAC address originally assigned by your
ISP. As an option, you can click “Clone MAC Address” to replace the
router’s WAN MAC address with the initial MAC address of that PC.
NOTE: You have to be using that PC in order for the Clone MAC
Address feature to work.
Click “OK” to nish the Cable Modem conguration; then you can start
using the router.
Fixed IP xDSL
Select if your Internet service provider has given you a specic IP address
for you to use. Your ISP should provide all the information required in
this section.
IP address assigned by your Service Provider — Enter the IP address
that your ISP has given you.
Subnet Mask — Enter the subnet mask provided by your ISP (for example,
DNS — Enter the ISP’s DNS server IP address.
Gateway Address — Enter the ISP’s IP address gateway.