Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is a system that allows the domain name data held in a name server to be
updated in real time. The most common use for this is in allowing an Internet domain name to be
assigned to a computer (or router) with a dynamic IP address. This makes it possible for other sites
on the Internet to establish connections to the machine without needing to track the IP address
themselves. A common use is for running server software on a computer that has a dynamic IP
address, as is the case with many consumer Internet service providers. The free DDNS provider
DYNDNS.ORG is recommended. Before you can use the DDNS feature, you need to set up an
account with DYNDNS.ORG and create a domain name; e.g., myrouter.dyndns.org.
Host Name: Enter the domain/host name you have registered with DYNDNS.ORG.
This must be the full domain name; e.g., mydomain.dyndns.org, and not mydomain.
DDNS Service Provider: Select “DynDns.org.”
User ID: Enter the DYNDNS username.
Password: Enter the DYNDNS password.
Click “Add” to create the account.
Remember to first create an account and host name at http://www.dyndns.org.
Once activated, the router will update the IP address automatically every time your
ISP assigns a new address to you. That way, your DDNS domain name always
points to your current public IP address.
4.10.3 WOL (Wake-on LAN)
Click “Advanced” ➝ ”WOL.”
This function allows sending a wake-up signal to a connected computer in the LAN.
Wake-on-LAN-capable computer systems reserve a minimum amount of power for
the network adapter when turned off. The network card listens for a specific packet,
called the Magic Packet. The router sends such a Magic Packet to a specific computer.