
A Summary of Commands Overview
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 368
remove Places a unit in the manual-out-of-service (MANOOS) state.
removepkg Removes a software package.
restore Restores a unit to the in-service (INSERV) state.
retireAlarms Turns off minor, major, and critical alarms on the TAM unit.
rmdb Displays the state of the resource manager and modify debug
show_sys Allows you to retrieve configuration and administration information
from customer sites.
soft_disc Sends a disconnect to a script on a channel or channels.
soft_szr Starts a script on a channel.
spadc Collects data on the signal processing resources. Use the spar
command to generate reports on the data (SSP only).
spar Generates reports on the signal processing data activity collected
by the spadc command (SSP only).
spres Restores speech from a backup (SSP only).
Table 27. Command Synopsis
Command Function
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