
5 Database Administration Voice System Database Administration
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 231
Database Access
Each ID listed in the Database Access ID Table window represents an
established local or remote connection to an ORACLE database. This
connection is used by the voice systems applications to access a customers
database tables. The database ID, then, represents each local or remote
database to the voice system.
An application can access multiple database tables in a local database (that
is, a database that resides on the voice systems hard disk). However, you
can improve the access performance by adding multiple database access IDs
to that local database to split the access evenly between the multiple
database access IDs.
Adding a Local Database Access ID
To add a local database access ID:
1 Start at Database Access ID Table window (Figure 107 on page 229).
2 Press F8 (ChgKeys).
The system displays the alternate set of function keys.
3 Press F1 (Add).
The system displays the Add A Database Access ID menu (Figure 108 on
page 232).