
Light status Light pattern State of the product Action
Attention light is blinking, and all
other lights are off.
NOTE: The power button backlight
is on.
The product has
experienced an error
that can be corrected
at the product, such
as a jam, an open
door, or the absence
of paper in the proper
Inspect the product,
determine the error,
and then correct the
error. If the error is
the absence of paper
in the proper tray or
the product is in a
manual feed mode,
put the proper paper
in the tray and follow
the onscreen
instructions, or open
and close the print-
cartridge door to
resume printing.
Attention light is blinking, ready
is on, and other lights are off.
NOTE: The power button backlight
is on.
The product has
experienced a
continual error from
which it will recover
on its own.
To recover from the
error and print the
available data, press
the go button
If the recovery is
successful, the
product continues to
the processing data
state and completes
the job.
If the recovery is
unsuccessful, the
product continues to
the continuable error
state. Try removing
any media from the
media path and
turning the product
power off, and then
on again.
The attention , ready , and go
lights are on. Toner light is off.
NOTE: The power button backlight
is on.
The product has
experienced a fatal
error from which it
cannot recover.
1. Turn off the
2. Wait
30 seconds, and
then turn on the
3. Wait for the
product to
If the error persists,
contact HP customer
Table 1-15 Control-panel lights (continued)
ENWW Documentation 33