data outputlu /6/ ! default printer lu
data printmsgquiet /.false./ ! suppress print verification message
* ”Print job supervised by PRINx”
* Following variables are used to determine the number of banner
* characters allowed on one line
data printerlength /80/ ! printer line length
data filelength /80/ ! file line length
data printerbanspace /3/ ! spaces between banner chars – printer
data filebanspace /3/ ! spaces between banner chars – file
* The following array is used to determine which drivers PRINT will
* recognize. These bits correspond to driver types with DVT=0 being
* the most significant bit of the first word and DVT=77b being the least
* significant bit of the last word.
* The following are set by default:
* Driver Type Device
* 1–7b Terminals
* 12b Printers
data driversok /077440b, ! driver types 0b–17b
+ 000000b, ! driver types 10b–37b
+ 000000b, ! driver types 40b–57b
+ 000000b/ ! driver types 60b–77b