sizes, paper
commands, PCL 233
messages 129, 132
selecting trays by 67, 68
setting trays for 54
skewed pages, troubleshooting 142
DIMM 218, 220
EIO 218
Installed Personalities and Options 169
slow printing, troubleshooting 153, 160
small paper mode 203
smeared toner, troubleshooting 141
soft fonts
defined 173
settings 200
Soft Gloss Paper 181
administrator 14, 15
AutoCAD 15
client 14
included on CD 15
Macintosh 14, 19
network 253
new tools 13
troubleshooting 150
using to check toner level 91
Windows 14, 18
Solaris network installation 253
sources, paper
PCL commands 233
selecting by type or size 68
Tray 1 settings 66
special media, printing on 60
specifications 11
connectivity 12
input and output paper handling 11
multifunction finisher 11
product 178
specks, troubleshooting 93, 140
data transmission settings 211
resolution settings 202
troubleshooting 153, 160
bin 42
clearing jams 103
clearing staple jams 109
locating 42
selecting output location 43, 56
specifications 11
standard output bin
features 42
jam locations 96
staple jams
clearing multifunction finisher 112
clearing stapler⁄ stacker 109
troubleshooting frequent 154
stapler⁄ stacker
clearing jams 103
clearing staple jams 109
locating 42
messages 127
not recognized 158
selecting output location 43, 56
specifications 11
troubleshooting 156
Start button on control panel 22, 23
starting jobs 23
status bar on control panel 23, 24
status indicator, Fast InfraRed (FIR) Receiver 80
status information for print cartridges 90
status messages. See messages
status, supplies
information page 171, 188
print cartridges 90
Stop button on control panel 22, 23
stopped printing, troubleshooting 161