adjusting contrast 44
adjusting density (contrast and brightness) 45
adjusting sharpness 45
altering the image 44
benefits and features 10
books 40
description 36
reducing and enlarging 44
removing background 44
selecting output location 43
using default settings 37
using the ADF 40
using the glass 40
using user-defined settings 38
count of pages, viewing 169, 176
Courier font
settings 199
troubleshooting 155
covers, booklet 82
creases, troubleshooting 143
crop marks, printing 62
curl, troubleshooting 143
Current Page Count 176
custom media
loading 49, 50
PCL commands 234
printing 61
tray selection 68
tray settings 54, 197
customer support website 242
cut-off pages, troubleshooting 153
dark setting, toner density 203
Data light on control panel 28
description 22
flashing, troubleshooting 152
not blinking, troubleshooting 159
steady on, troubleshooting 156
data missing, troubleshooting 152
data transmission settings 211
brightness of copies 23
size of copies 23
default settings 23
copying 37
number of copies 197
restoring 216
saving 63
Windows 18
illustrations 138
repeating, troubleshooting 142
deleting jobs
private 71
proof and hold 78
QuickCopy 76
stored 73
Density Control option on control panel for copying 45
density settings 203
Describe Original button on control panel 26
Destination Features 69
destinations, troubleshooting 154, 156
Diagnostics menu 254
different first page 64
digital sending
changing settings 32
checking recipients of documents 32
creating a recipient list 34
description 29, 30
sending to multiple recipients 32
using the address book 34
using the glass or ADF 31
installing 221
messages 133, 135
slots 218, 220
verifying installation 224