
Color Management 6-19
CMYK - Used for print jobs created in the CMYK color space.
TRUMATCH - matches TRUMATCH spot colors and full-color
SWOP (Coated) Emulation - emulates the Standard for Web
Offset Production color space used for color offset printing
onto coated paper stock. Best for proofing applications.
SWOP (Coated) Emulation YA - “yellow adjusted,” pro-
vides visually warmer yellow tones, compared to the “SWOP
(Coated) Emulation” color space.
Eurostandard (Coated) Emulation - emulates the Eurostan-
dard color space used for color offset printing onto coated
paper stock. Best for proofing applications.
Eurostandard (Coated) Emulation YA - “yellow adjusted,”
provides visually warmer yellow tones, compared to the
“Eurostandard (Coated) Emulation” color space.
CANONICAL - When checked (enabled) this mode overrides the
RGB and CYMK settings. Use this mode to output pure solid col-
ors, such as for presentation graphics. This option uses no color
correction, but instead uses a default RGB-to-CMYK conversion.
Color Profile
The table lists the color profiles available for the printer. A color
profile is a data file used to convert the colors in a file sent to the
RIP into colors that can be printed on the printer. There is a spe-
cific profile for each ink set and media combination.
Select Color Profile - for accurate color matching, select the
profile that contains the color set, media, and ink you want
to use for jobs sent to this port, or for a specific job. If a dif-
ferent media and ink combination is specified by the applica-
tion program, the job is routed to the Output Attention
queue with a disposition of Media Mismatch.
Sorted By - sort the list of profiles by:
Color Set - a graphical representation of the color and
ordinal number of each ink in the set.
Media Name - name of the media in the profile.
Ink Name - name of the ink in the profile.
Last Calibrated - when the profile was last color cali-
brated by the ColorMark Color Management System
Profile File Name