
Printing Software Overview
This chapter introduces the software you received with your printer and
briefly describes its features. It also lists additional software you can
obtain for your printer by contacting HP Distribution or your authorized
HP dealer.
Your printer is packaged with the software you need to take full
advantage of your printer’s features in MS Windows, some DOS
environments, and to connect your printer to a wide variety of networks.
The HP LaserJet 5M printer also comes with software you need to use
your printer with the PostScript language for Macintosh and MS
Windows environments.
If you have set up your printer correctly, you have already installed the
appropriate software for your printer and environment. If you have not
installed the software, see the Getting Started Guide.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
Software for MS Windows
MS Windows Printer Drivers
MS Windows Status Utilities
Network Management Utilities (HP JetAdmin)
Software for DOS
DOS Printer Drivers
DOS Utilities
Software for Macintosh
Macintosh Printer Drivers
Bitmapped Screen Fonts
HP LaserJet Utility
Optional Software
Optional Printer Drivers Available
Optional Networking Software Available
EN Printing Software Overview 2-1