
HP DesignJet CP Series Printers
Platen Roller Drive roller.
Plot Quality Print quality.
PML Printer Management Language.
P/N Part Number.
Power Cycle The switching of the plotter off
and then on again.
Preventive Maintenance Counter This is a
count of the swaths the printer has performed.
From this count the maintenance requirments can
be calculated.
Primary Colors cyan, magenta, yellow, black.
Printhead Part of the ink delivery system. The
printhead has a 600 dpi thermal inkjet head for
firing ink droplets onto the media and a reservoir
which holds enough ink for a large number of
prints. The actual number of prints depends on
the size and type of image being printed
Printhead Cleaner The printer uses the prin-
thead cleaner to clean and to maintain the
printhead. It also seals the printhead to prevent it
from drying out.
Print Quality Quality of the Image.
Product Line 30 Hewlett-Packard’s product
line of large-format, pen and thermal-inkjet plot-
PWM Pulse-Width Modulation.
RAM Random-Access Memory.
Raster 1. A matrix of dots, or pixels, where
each pixel is defined by a bit. A bit that is “on”
will print a dot on the paper. A bit that is “off”
will leave the area blank.
2. A method for defining a plot directly in terms
of the pixels rather than as vectors.
Raster Image Processor Software that con-
verts graphics data to pixel format.
Refill Interconnect PCA The PCA located on
the left hand side chassis. It connects the Refill
Assembly, the Elevator Assembly, Bail Motor and
the Y-axis Assembly all on to one PCA, this is
then connected to the main PCA via the Refill
Interconnect Cable.
Refill Interconnect Cable This connects the
Refill Interconnect PCA to the Main PCA.
Relative Humidity The ratio of the amount of
water vapor actually present in the air to the
greatest amount possible at the same temperature,
(from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary,
E Merriam-Webster 1991).
Resolution A measure of image sharpness ex-
pressed as a number of lines per unit length.
When referring to plotters, addressable resolution
means the smallest move the plotter can make
RIP Raster Image Processor.
RMS Root mean square.
ROM Read-Only Memory.
Roman A character set based on the Latin al-
RS-232-C interface A serial interface standard-
ized by the Electronic Industries Association
Standard RS-232-C.
RTL see “HP-RTL.”
SAD Swath Axis Direction
Sec Second(s).
Secondary Colors Red, blue, green.
Service Monitor Data display; display data;
monitor mode.
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module.
Skew Misalignment.
Special Paper A paper specifically developed
by HP, for HP inkjet plotters.