
GEK-00029A 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
ESC - n Turn Underlining ON/OFF:
Enables or disables automatic
underlining depending on the parameter n as follows:
n=1 enable underline
n=0 disable underline
The underline will be positioned on dot row 9 of draft characters and
row 18 of NLQ characters. Block characters (ASCII 176-223, 244, and
245) will not be underlined.
Decimal: 27 45 (n)
Hex: 1B 2D (nH)
BASIC: CHR$(27);CHR$(45);CHR$(n);
ESC E Select Emphasized Mode:
This causes subsequent printing to be
emphasized. The print speed is half of the normal speed because the
characters are printed twice. The second pass is offset about
1/120-inch for draft fonts and 1/240-inch for NLQ fonts.
Decimal: 27 69
Hex: 1B 45
BASIC: CHR$(27);"E";
ESC F Cancel Emphasized Print Mode:
Cancels the emphasized printing
mode turned on by ESC E.
Decimal: 27 70
Hex: 1B 46
BASIC: CHR$(27);"F";
ESC G Select Double-Strike Mode:
Causes the contents of the print buffer
to be printed and starts double-stroke printing when not in the NLQ
mode. Each line of text is printed twice (direct overprint of each dot).
Decimal: 27 71
Hex: 1B 47
BASIC: CHR$(27);"G";
ESC H Cancel Double-Strike Mode:
Cancels the double-strike printing
mode turned on by ESC G.
Decimal: 27 72
Hex: 1B 48
BASIC: CHR$(27);"H";