
Appendix F: Fonts
The Elite 21 printer ships with 136 standard PostScript fonts in 42 font families.
This collection of fonts matches the standard PostScript Level 3 font set. To print
out a listing of the resident PostScript fonts on the printer along with a sample of
each typeface, follow these steps:
• Start the printer and wait for the LCD display to read Ready.
• Press either Menu key until Information appears.
• Press either Item key until “Print PS Fonts” appears.
• Press Select.
This will print out a page with samples of all the available resident PostScript
fonts on the printer.
The printer also ships with 80 standard resident PCL 6 fonts. A sample of these
fonts can be printed following the steps listed above, but selecting “Print PCL
Fonts” rather than Print PS Fonts.
The printer is also compatible with any downloadable TrueType, Type 1 or PCL
font loaded onto your computer.
Bitstream Screen Fonts
In order to access the resident PostScript fonts on the printer, your computer
must be equipped with a compatible screen font file for each of the resident
printer fonts. The Elite 21 Series CD-ROM includes screen fonts provided by
Bitstream, Inc. These fonts are automatically installed on your computer during
a standard Macintosh installation. Users of Windows systems will need to
install them using the separate Font Installer on the Elite 21 Series CD-ROM,
as follows:
• Insert the GCC Elite 21 Series CD-ROM into the Windows PC.
• Click on My Computer, then double-click the CD icon to open the CD.
• Double-click the Fonts folder on the CD-ROM.
• Double-click the “Setup.exe” icon within this folder.