
6. Check Assignments
• At the Directory Tree, double click on the Print Queue object you just
created. At the Print Queue window, click on the Assignments button. If
you configured the print queue and printer correctly they will appear in
the proper boxes on the Print Queue window. Press the Cancel button.
7. Set Up and Reset the Printer
• NWADMIN configuration is complete. Before you can begin printing,
however, follow the steps in the next section (Printer Configuration) and
reset (power cycle) the printer.
Printer Configuration
WebAdmin must used to define the context and tree of the Print Server. It is
also used to change the Print Server name, set a password, modify scan and
frame search parameters, and set bindery-mode specific values.
Use the MAP utility or type the printer’s IP address into your web browser (refer
to Chapter 8) to access the WebAdmin pages of the printer. Once you have
accessed WebAdmin, click on “Network” from the options on the left and do the
1. Select Setup NetWare under Protocols.
2. Select Enable NetWare. If it is not selected, the NetWare protocols will not
come up, the printer will not appear as an advertised device, and the printer
will not be accessible using IPX SNMP.
3. The default name for the NetWare Print Server is GCC and a six-digit
number (i.e. GCC_123456). This is also the default name of the printer in
peer-to-peer mode. If you want to change the default Print Server name,
type this name in the Print Server Name space. Leave the space blank if the
default name is to be used.
4. If you want the printer to login with a password, this password may be
entered in the Print Server Password field, and again in the Password
Retype field. If a password is used, this password must be the same
password for all bindery-based and NDS-based Print Server entries.
5. Enter the name of a preferred bindery-based file server in the Preferred File
Server field. The Preferred File Server entry is significant only for bindery or