
occurs. The Configuration/Status Page is printed if the command is
followed immediately by a comma (,) or if an error is detected either
during the print job or during powerup.
The X/TRA XLi enables the user to determine the conditions in which a
Configuration/Status Page will be printed. Refer to Section 5 
XTRAEDIT Configuration for information on specifying the conditions in
which a Configuration/Status Page will be printed.
The Configuration/Status Page includes the following information:
The error number and error type, if any errors were
The names of any simulated, resident or downloaded
The names of any downloaded forms
An optional comment, if one was entered
The current configuration
A sample Configuration/Status Page can be found in Section 6  Service
and Reference.
Optional Comment
An optional comment will be printed on the Configuration/Status Page if a
comment was entered directly after the comma in the XES command line
that triggered the Configuration/Status Page. The comma is a request for
printing a Configuration/Status Page. Whether or not this request is
honored can be determined by setting a parameter using XTRAEDIT. The
comment can be up to 132 characters in length.
The comment will always be printed by the XLi if a Configuration/Status
Page is printed.
Job Boundary Commands
A job boundary is a command function that tells the printer where the job
begins and ends, and it tells the printer what type of data the job contains.
The command to start printing a document is the Print Job command.
The command to end a document is the Reset command.