dose my alarm have a remote start? cause while i was sitting on my key pad my car stated! at first when i realized my keys where in my back pocket,i was took back by panic. i jumped into the driver seat,i put the key in and turned it just befor starting point;then back to off-but car was still idling. then once my foot rested onto the brake pedle it turned off. then i was tring to dupelicat what i did to the remote, but failed. can someone help me find out if the cause was my viper remote or the car

Asked by michael on 12/13/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 1 month ago

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0 yes you have remote start, you hold the lock and unlock button at the same time...if you hit the brake before turning the key to the on position it will turn itself off (It's an anti theft mechanism)
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