When I take off quickly a yellow triangle with a symbol in it flashes

Asked by on 10/02/2013 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 3 months ago

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5 That is an indicator for your traction control system. If you "punch the gas" aka "take off quickly" the tires do not grab the road as they should... Since it happens just for a brief moment the triangle (with the "!" In the middle) flashes. This system automatically comes on to reduce the risk of losing control of your car. It will automatically regulate the brake system. Just let off the gas and it will donuts job. There is a way to turn the traction control system (TCS) on and off, however the computer is programmed for the system to kick in if triggered whether or not you have the TCS on.
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0 This is also useful indicator of flat tyre. It appears each time yo tyres do not have proper grip of the ground. Also appears on badly threaded tyres
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