how to program key fob

Asked by niko taz on 12/18/2008 86  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

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3 Check in front your rear view mirror see if there is a solid red light lit,if there is, it is in valet parking.Get in vehicle turn ignition key on and off four or five times.
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2 Definitely suggest turning car on and off about 5 -6 worked for me!
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2 how to re-programming car remote starter 05 A433
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1 My starter was working fine until I left the head lights on over night and drained the car battery. When I jumped the car back to life, the starter wouldn't work - the remote still flashes when I hit the buttons, but there's no response from the car at all. Any thoughts?
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0 It's work perfectly
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0 where I can find the xtreme a433 remote starter manual ?
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