Mechanical Kitchen Scale
Instruction Manual
Thank you for purchasing a Taylor
scale. Please read this instruction
manual carefully before use. Keep these instructions handy for fu-
ture reference.
1. Place the scale base on ahard, level surface. Placethe weighing
bowl sothatit isstable ontop of the base unit.
2. The pointershould indicate "0" before objects to beweighed are
placed on the scale. Toadjust the scale to"0",rotate the scalering,
which has the measurement increments printed on it.
3. You may alsouse the scale ring to tare,or offset, the weightof one
ingredientbefore adding another ingredient tothe same bowl. For
example, ifa recipecallsfor 1/2 lb. riceand 1/2 lb. beans, placethe
rice into the bowl, then rotate the scalering backto "0". Add the
beans untilthe pointer shows 1/2. Both ingredientshave beenaccu-
rately weighedin the same bowl.
4. Carry the scaleby holding the base unit. If the scaleis relocated,
readjustment to "0" may berequired. Todo so, repeat steps1 and2.