SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd
SANYO Electric Trading Co.,Ltd.
Type DE (Direct-fired Chiller/Heaters)
Type NE (Steam-fired Chillers)
Type LE (Hot water-fired Chillers)
SANYO Electric Air Conditioning Co.,Ltd.
International Business Division
Overseas Sales & Marketing Dept.
1 Otsuki-Cho, Ashikaga-City,
Tochigi 326-8534, Japan
Telephone: +81-284-44-3222
Facsimile : +81-284-44-3138
SANYO Electric Trading Co.,Ltd.
1-10 Ueno 1-chome,Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8534 Japan
Telephone: +81-3-3837-6266
Facsimile : +81-3-3837-6389
©2000SANYO Printed in Japan ’00 7 IM0.5
Making the World a More Comfortable Place
SANYO’s absorption technology is in evidence in
many aspects of our daily lives, from where we do
business to the places we choose to relax.
Before operating the unit
*To use the unit properly before operating, be sure to carefully read the operation manual.
*Installation should conform to regulations and laws such as Building Standard Act, Fire Laws, Air Pollution
Prevention Laws and Labor Safety and Sanitary Law, and to any other applicable regulations and laws.
On the installation
*Read the installation manual carefully before carried-in and installing the unit.
*Carried-in and works of installation, foundation, wiring, piping, interlocks and thermal insulation are involved.
Please contact your agency with any questions relating to these issues. In case such works are inadequate, it may
cause overturn, electric shock, water and fuel leakage, scalding, fire and so forth.
*Please consult your agency when the work of flue, exhaust and in-take air duct, and chimneys are required. In
case such works are inadequate, it may cause scalding, fire and oxygen deficiency.
*Waterproof work of the foundation for installing the unit and drainage ditch are required in order to prevent
wetting surrounding equipment.
*Adequate space surrounding the unit is needed for maintenance work. Such space is indispensable for safe work
and avoiding injuries.
For maintenance
*Periodical maintenance, in addition to daily inspection, is required. If it is improper in maintenance, it may cause
fire, electric shock and scalding.
*Please consult the service agency to obtain professional guidance.
Avoiding hazardous places
*Keep the units away from inflammable dangerous substance such as gasoline and thinner and erosive gas which
may result in a fire.
For the safety sake
File No. : JQ116A
Date : October 13, 1997
ISO 9001
JISZ 9901
QS Accreditation
File No. : JE011A
Date : November 23, 1998
ISO 14001
JISQ 14001
EMS Accreditation