
Firma Matzner Michael
Wiener Bundesstraße 38
4061 Pasching, Austria
:: Seite 1 von 2 :: Datenblatt zum Produkt Linksys Etherfast Cable/DSL FW Router mit DC# 47186 ::
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Cable/DSL Firewall Router
with 4-Port Switch/VPNEndpoint
he Linksys Instant Broadband™ EtherFast
Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint is the
perfect solution for connecting a small group of PCs to
a high-speed broadband Internet connection or a 10/100
Ethernet backbone. The Router can be configured to limit
internal users’ Internet access based on URLs and/or time
periods—URL filtering and time filtering. For enhanced pro-
tection against intruders from the Internet, the Router fea-
tures an advanced Stateful Packet Inspection firewall.
Use the Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN
Endpoint to create IPSec VPN tunnels, so you can securely
connect to the corporate server from your home office—or
any location when you’re on the road. The Router provides a
dedicated port for DMZ hosting and acts as the only exter-
nally recognized Internet gateway on your local area net-
work (LAN). With the performance and security features of
the Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN
Endpoint, your network will take advantage of the Internet
while keeping its data secure.
Protects PCs from Ping of Death, SYN Flood, Land Attacks,
IP Spoofing, and Other DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
Supports Up to Two IPSec Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Supports URL Filtering and Time Filtering
Blocks Java, ActiveX, and Cookies
Easily Configurable through a Web Browser from Any
Networked PC
Supports IPSec and PPTP Pass-Through
Administer and Upgrade Your Router Remotely over the
Supports Traffic and Event Logging
Configurable as a DHCP Server on Your Network
Administrators Can Block Specific Internal Users’ Internet
Access with Filtering
Supports SNMP ver. 2.0 and SNMP MIB I and II
Supports NTP (Network Time Protocol) for Synchronization
with Real-Time Server
Support for PPPoE Connection
Dedicated Port for DMZ
• NAT and Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall to
Protect Your PCs from Outside Intruders on the
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) Capabilities for
Secure Access of Remote Networks
• Supports Universal Plug-and-Play
• Dramatically Speed Up Your Network Gaming
and Multimedia Connections
• Free Technical Support—24 Hours a Day,
7 Days a Week, Toll-Free US Calls
• 1-Year Limited Warranty
Instant Broadband
Cable/DSL Firewall Router
with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint
Model Number: BEFSX41
Connect Your Network to the Internet and
Access a Remote Network—with Security and
Peace of Mind
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Instant Broadband