FD-4 Owner’s Manual Supplement
The functions explained here have been added to the FD-4 subsequent to version
1.20 because of a version up of the software. Prior to operating the FD-4, please
read this supplement together with the main manual.
1. Large capacity hard disks can now be used.
It is now possible to use a 2.5 inch E-IDE hard disk with a capacity up to about 30GB
(FS=44.1kHz) for the FD-4 internal current drive disk.
3. In the BAR/BEAT/CLK (bar/beat/clock) time base, the offset figure of the BAR that indicates
the head of the disk can now be edited.
Although [Time Base] is explained in [Before Operating] in the main owners manual, for the
unit representing the present traveling position of the FD-4, MTC (MIDI time code) or BAR/
BEAT/CLK are employed in addition to ABS (absolute time). For this reason, the figure indicating
the present disk position will be different depending on the selected time base.
With the FD-4 in the initial setup state, when the disk is at the head position (ABS 00M 00S
00F) the MTC offset indication will be [MTC 00H 59M 57S 00F], and when by BAR/BEAT/CLK
it will be [-002BAR 1BEAT 00CLK].
Before this version up, changing the offset figure was limited to MTC and the BAR/BEAT/CLK
offset figure was fixed to [-002BAR 1BEAT 00CLK]. But after this version up, the BAR offset
figure of BAR/BEAT/CLK can now be changed and set to any figure within a range of -002 ~
The FD-4’s initial state [-002BAR 1BEAT 00CLK] will always be displayed and the BAR offset
figure will be [-002BAR].
In order to set the offset figure of the BAR/BEAT/CLK display, use the SETUP mode of the
FD-4 in the same manner for setup of MTC offset. For procedures, refer to the reverse side
explanation. For setup of MTC offset, please refer to [SETUP mode] of the main owners
<NOTE>: When formatting a large capacity hard disk, the time required to format will be in
relation to disk size. As a general estimate, it requires about 15 minutes to format 1GB and
thus, as an example, it will take about 7 hours for a 30GB hard disk.
2. It is possible now to simultaneous record on four tracks.
It is possible now to simultaneous record four tracks - analog two tracks/digital two tracks.
As an example, the FD-4 is setup to record an analog sound source coming from the mixer
on tracks 1 and 2, and on tracks 3 and 4, record the S/P DIF digital signal from the DATA IN
connector selected by the SETUP mode [Digi In setup] menu. As a result, analog signal two
tracks/digital signal two tracks, for a total of four tracks can be simultaneously recorded.
Before the version up, if an attempt is made to record on more than two tracks by setting the
RECORD TRACK select key to READY, [Over Track!] was displayed and the FD-4 could not
record. However, if an MO disk is the current drive, two tracks can be simultaneously recorded
but not four tracks. In regards to [Digi In setup], refer to [SETUP mode] in the main owners