Product Application
Industrial Automation BU, Delta Electronics, Inc.
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Application: Delta C2000 Series AC Motor Drive and AFE2000 Active Front-End Unit for Bridge
Crane (Overhead Travelling Crane)
Issued by Solution Center Date November, 2010 Pages 5
Applicable to C2000 series AC motor drive, AFE2000 series active front-end unit
Key words
crane, hoist, Delta AC motor drive, high-level field oriented control, built-in PLC, torque control,
reliability, AFE2000 active front-end, power quality, power improvement, power factor, harmonics,
fast braking, brake resistor, current control PWM converter, switch rectifier, energy-saving
A bridge crane (also known as an overhead travelling crane) finds wide application in warehouses, factories,
docks, open storage yards, and more. A three-phase induction motor offers many benefits including simple structure,
durability, low cost, and easy maintenance. If we employ a Delta AC motor drive to drive the induction motor rather
than using a traditional drive, the crane’s malfunction rate decreases substantially. Moreover, if Delta’s AFE2000
series active front-end unit is employed, it saves the cost of purchasing a brake resistor and excessive energy is
transformed into reusable energy through IGBT switch, which is fed back to the mains for other electronic devices.
Delta’s AC motor drive and AFE2000 is an outstanding combination for bridge cranes.
The bridge crane moves back and forth with four driving and passive wheels, but when the starting load is large,
it is common to install more wheels to share the wheel load. An articulated device is needed for bridge cranes with
more than four wheels. The device’s function is to balance out the load and distribute it evenly to each wheel. The
motion is done by three independent pulling systems, as shown in [Figure 1]:
1. Trolley: To execute leftward and rightward movement along the cross-axis bridge (left/right).
2. Endtruck: To execute forward and backward movement along the long-axis runway (FWD, REV).
3. Hoist: To lift and lower the item (up/down).
[Figure 1]
The bridge crane hoist, unlike the trolley and the runway girder, has lower requirements for precision control, and
it benefits a lot from the AC motor drive. Different from traditional drives, an AC motor drive offers more thorough