
Nori’s mini-HOWTO:
Debian Woody on the Dell Inspiron 8000
Nori Heikkinen
August 13, 2003
All my previous installs of Debian have been really easy, but then again they’ve
all been on PC desktops. The deal has been:
1. Download the first ISO image onto CD
2. Stick the CD in your drive
3. (Make sure you have the BIOS set to boot off the CD before the hard
4. Follow instructions, generally hitting ’okay’ for the next half hour
5. Ignore tasksel by and large
6. Ignore most of the dselect list, and only put on what you need later
7. . . . and voil`a, a Debian install!
It was not this easy this time ’round. For whatever reason, this little i8k did
not seem to want Debian on it! From start to finish (or rather, as finished as
it’s going to get, because I need to be doing work), it took a week and a half,
and I ended up scrapping the entire install and beginning from scratch twice.
This document is half for myself, in case I need to do this install over again,
and half for anyone else out there, who has had as much trouble as I have with
the whole process.
Good luck.
I was working with the following system:
Dell Inspiron 8000
PIII, 697 MHz