
©2006 Cobra Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA
MMaakkiinngg LLiiffee EEaassiieerr aanndd SSaaffeerr
SSttaayyiinngg iinn ttoouucchh wwiitthh yyoouurr ffaammiillyy aanndd ffrriieennddss iiss
ccoonnvveenniieenntt aanndd eeaassyy wwhheenn uussiinngg yyoouurr mmiiccrrooTTAALLKK
rraaddiioo.. SSoommee ooff tthhee mmaannyy uusseess yyoouu wwiillll ddiissccoovveerr iinncclluuddee::
Communicating with others while hiking, biking, and working;
keeping track of family and friends at a crowded public event;
checking with travel companions in another car; talking with
neighbors; arranging meeting spots with others while shopping
at the mall.
SSeeccuurree yyoouurr mmiiccrrooTTAALLKK
rraaddiioo wwhhiillee oonn tthhee ggoo..
Carrying your microTALK
radio with you is easy
when using the belt clip or optional wrist strap.
The belt clip easily attaches to your belt, purse,
or backpack. Simply squeeze the clip and place
it where you prefer.
FFoorr AAssssiissttaannccee iinn tthhee UU..SS..AA..
In this user’s manual, you should find all the information you need
to operate your microTALK
radio. If you require further assistance
after reading this manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following
customer assistance services:
Automated Help Desk
English only. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 773-889-3087 (phone).
Customer Assistance Operators
English and Spanish. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time,
Monday through Friday (except holidays) 773-889-3087 (phone).
English and Spanish. Faxes can be received at 773-622-2269 (fax).
Technical Assistance
English only. www.cobra.com (on-line: Frequently Asked Questions).
English and Spanish. productinfo
@cobra.com (e-mail).
FFoorr AAssssiissttaannccee OOuuttssiiddee tthhee UU..SS..AA..
Contact Your Local Dealer
BBeelltt CClliipp
WWrriisstt SSttrraapp
CCuussttoommeerr AAssssiissttaannccee
Owner’s Manual
Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra
PR 255 VP
Printed in the Philippines
Part No. 480-245-P
Version C
The Cobra line of quality products includes:
CB Radios • microTALK
Radios • Radar/Laser Detectors •
Safety Alert
Traffic Warning Systems • Handheld GPS Receivers •
Mobile GPS Navigation Systems • HighGear
Accessories •
CobraMarine™ VHF Radios • Marine Chartplotters •
Power Inverters • Accessories
Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra
For more information or to
order any of our products,
please visit our website:
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