Chrysler 11WK741-126-AB Automobile User Manual

150 Watts. Certain high-end video games, such as Play-
station3 and XBox360 will exceed this power limit, as will
most power tools.
The power inverter is designed with built-in overload
protection. If the power rating of 150 Watts is exceeded,
the power inverter will automatically shut down. Once
the electrical device has been removed from the outlet the
inverter should automatically reset. If the power rating
exceeds approximately 170 Watts, the power inverter
may have to be reset manually. To reset the inverter
manually press the power inverter button OFF and ON.
To avoid overloading the circuit, check the power ratings
on electrical devices prior to using the inverter.
The power inverter switch is located
on the switch bank below the Climate
Controls. To turn on the power outlet,
press the switch once. Press the switch
a second time to turn the power outlet
NOTE: When the power inverter switch is pressed,
there will be a delay of approximately one second before
the inverter status indicator turns ON. The status indica-
tor of the AC power inverter indicates whether the
inverter is producing AC power.
Power Inverter