MPG AVG (L/100 KM AVG): If you select this
item, the approximate average miles per
gallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km)
is displayed. This number is calculated based
on the number of mpg (L/100 km) recorded since
the last time this menu item was reset.
To reset the MPG AVG (L/100 KM AVG), press
the CLR button located to the right of the screen.
The display will return to zero.
MPG INST (L/100 KM INST): If you select this
item, the current fuel economy is displayed.
This number reflects only the fuel economy that
the vehicle has right now and will change
frequently as driving conditions change. Unlike
average fuel economy, this menu item cannot
be reset.
GAL FUEL USED (L FUEL USED): If you select
this item, the number of gallons or liters of fuel
used since the last reset of this menu item
is displayed.
To reset GAL FUEL USED (L FUEL USED), press
the CLR button located to the right of the screen.
The display will return to zero.
AVG MPH (AVG KM/H): If you select this item,
the average speed of the vehicle is displayed
in miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per
hour (km/h). This average is calculated based on
the various vehicle speeds recorded since the
last reset of this menu item.
To reset AVG MPH (AVG KM/H), press the CLR
button located to the right of the screen. The
display will return to zero.
TIMER: If you select this item, a timing feature is
displayed. The timer functions like a stopwatch
in that you can record the time it takes to
travel from one point to another.
To turn on the timer, press the CLR button located
to the right of the screen once. The display will
read 00:00:00 TIMER ON and begin counting.
To turn off the timer, press the CLR button again.
When the timer is off, the display will show the
timer value and TIMER OFF. The timing feature
will stop.
To reset the timer, turn off the timer and then
press and hold the CLR button. The display will
return to zero.