1F, No.49, Alley 24, Lane 75. Sec.3, Kang-Ning Rd., Nei-Hu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
GPS/GSM Tracking Device
Compact GPS Covert Tracking Device Designed for Vehicle
Security/Micro GPS Tracking Application
z SiRF Starlll Chipset
z Pocket-sized
z Qualified CE Marking Certificate
z built-in with Li-Ion battery
z Combination of GPS and GSM
wireless network
AS-19B integrates a high-performance micro GPS receiver with a GSM cellular transmitter,
AS-19B provides an emergency solution featuring innovative locating technology. It also
provides you with peace of mind all the time when your vehicles are away from you.
Key Features:
• SiRF Starlll Chipset
• Combination of GPS and GSM wireless network
• Pocket-sized / light-weighted / Rechargeable battery included
• No external antennae needed -- Just plug-&-play
• Regular Report: AS-19B constantly sends SMS messages to its built-in three sets of phone numbers as
regular report at the interval of 2 to 120 minutes with NMEA 0183 GPRMC, showing a user's ID and position
data in the form of UTC, Latitude, Longitude, SOG, and COG.
• Polling: Since AS-19B is equipped with one piece of SIM card containing independent phone number,
watchers can thus monitor a rover who equipped with AS-19B by direct phone dialing. AS-19B can distinguish
a caller's identity, and the rover can decide whether to send his/her SMS messages containing the ID and
position information back to the authentic caller.
• SMS Polling (New Feature): you can poll also by sending SMS command to AS-19B. The test machine is
almost turned on any time. So you can inform your customer to send SMS to this number for test:
apm-sales@msa.hinet.net Tel: +886 2 2633 5543 Fax : +886 2 2633 0472
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