Index 105
R (continued)
registers (cont’d)
offset, 84
Relay Control, 88
Status¤Control, 86
types, 86
Relay Control register, 88
relay life, 101
relay matrixes
commands, 35
detecting error conditions, 45
latching relays, 47
module block diagram, 48
module identification, 36
module operations, 47
power-on conditions, 36
reset conditions, 36
saving and recalling states, 44
scanning channels, 39
switching channels, 38
synchronizing modules, 46
understanding the modules, 47
using Scan Complete bit, 42
end-of-life determination, 101
relay life factors, 101
replacement strategy, 101
reset conditions, 36
restricted rights statement, 7
[ROUTe:] subsystem
[ROUTe:]CLOSe, 63
[ROUTe:]CLOSe?, 64
[ROUTe:]OPEN, 65
[ROUTe:]OPEN?, 66
[ROUTe:]SCAN, 66
safety symbols, 8
saving and recalling states, 44
Scan Complete bit, using, 42
scanning channels, 39
SCPI command reference, 51
SCPI commands
abbreviated commands, 50
command reference, 51
command separator, 50
format, 49
implied commands, 50
linking commands, 50
parameters, 51
quick reference, 78
specifications, 81
STATus subsystem
STATus:OPERation:CONDition?, 70
STATus:OPERation:ENABle, 70
STATus:OPERation:ENABle?, 70
STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?, 71
STATus:PRESet, 71
Status¤Control register, 86
switching channels, 38
synchronizing relay matrix switch modules, 46
SYSTem subsystem
SYSTem:CDEScription?, 72
SYSTem:CTYPe?, 73
SYSTem:ERRor?, 74
terminal module connectors, 24
terminal modules, attaching to switch module, 29
terminal modules, configuring, 24
terminal modules, wiring, 27
TRIGger subsystem
TRIGger:SOURce, 76
TRIGger:SOURce?, 77
TRIGger[:IMMediate], 75
understanding relay matrix switch modules, 47
warranty statement, 7
wiring terminal modules, 27